The following videos are streamed via the vooPlayer https://app.vooplayer.com content management and delivery network.
After you pressed the play button, you can
– scrub on the timeline to a specific position
– switch between embedded and full-screen via the small diagonal arrows on the bottom right
– change the video resolution/quality via the small wrench button on the bottom right (only available for streams directly from the vooPlayer CDN)
Antonov AN 2 Takeoff & Landing (Internal View, May 2019)
(streamed from publit.io CDN to vooPlayer, original size 1080p)
Antonov AN 2 Takeoff & Landing (Internal View, May 2019)
(streamed directly from vooPlayer CDN)
Antonov AN 2 Takeoff & Landing (Internal View, May 2019)
(streamed from DropBox private link to vooPlayer, original size 1080p)